Health and Wellness

Back pain due to OI

What is Osteogenesis Imperfecta and How Can it be Managed?

Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a genetic disorder that affects the bones, resulting in fragile and brittle bones. It is also known as “brittle bone disease” due to its severity. It’s a relatively rare disease affecting only around 50,000 people in the country, but it’s still problematic. People with OI may experience frequent fractures, chronic pain, joint

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An injured player on the field holding his foot

Recovering from Sports Injuries: Tips and Advice

Injuries are part of the game, whether you’re an amateur athlete or a professional. Injuries may range from minor sprains and strains to more serious ligament tears, fractures, and even traumatic brain injuries. Whatever type of sports injury you have sustained, it’s important to take adequate time for recovery and follow your doctor’s advice. Here

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detitian/nutritionist with fruits

Transform Your Career as a Dietitian in 5 Easy Steps

Dietitians are professionals who can provide the knowledge, tools, and experience to help people achieve their health goals. They have the skills to assess, diagnose and treat nutritional problems. They work in various settings, from hospitals and clinics to food companies and government agencies. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, more than 70,000

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doctor checking up a patient

Health Check: A Yearly Routine for the Average Person

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is paramount for people from all walks of life. Not only does it help people to look and feel better, but it also provides many physical and mental health benefits. Medical research has proven that leading a healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of developing various illnesses, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes,

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